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HGH (Human Grwoth Hormone) for the WIN!

HGH has been at the top of everyone’s list lately for its anti-aging possibilities. I wanted to explore the options because the results are staggering when you research before and after results. Let me start this blog by saying you can naturally boost your own HGH levels naturally with exercise. More about that in another blog. For those who want to look into HGH as a supplement of some sorts this is for you. I have not yet ventured into taking any form of HGH but I must admit it’s something I might try in the future.

The amount of HGH in our body peaks in our early 20’s and goes down drastically from that point. Many people are rejuvenating themselves, and swearing by the results, by increasing HGH into their system.

There are three delivery systems that add HGH into the system: #homeopathicsublingual sprays, pharmaceutical injections, or pills that stimulate the release of HGH from the pituitary gland. With all three choices the goal is the same: to raise the measurable IGF-1 levels in the body in order to gain the youthful benefits. The short discussion below on all three therapies will help you discover which protocol is right for you.

Human Growth Hormone Pills:

When you buy a pill form of HGH you should know up front that there is no HGH in the product. Read the ingredients. There are only stacked amino acids and other assorted stimulants. Even though the product name might be #HGHReleasor or HGH Precursor, there is no HGH in the product. It works by stimulating your Pituitary Gland into producing more HGH.

There’s good news and bad news. The good news is that it actually works. The bad news is that it only works for 4-8 weeks because your over-stimulated Pituitary Gland goes in to overload and can no longer be stimulated. It’s frustrating because it’s after 8-week that the body begins to show positive results. So, for many who choose this option it means they cycle on and off every 8 weeks, to assist the body to rest and regroup. Also, there have been reports that show taking stacked #aminogrowth hormone pills can raise cortisol levels. Naturally this can be unhealthy.

Human Growth Hormone Shots:

From a legitimate company you can expect to pay between $1,000 to $5,000 per month. However, there are you can get them for $2,500 per year and even lower if you go through Mexican or European (Turkey, Hungry or Poland) pharmaceuticals.

For many, injecting themselves twice a day is off-putting. However, it is entirely down to preference. It’s important to be monitored by a physician to prevent any complications or overuse.

HGH Oral Spray:

#HGHOralSpray seems a risk free, gentle therapy that produce excellent results, and is reasonably priced between $400 and $1500 per year.

When purchasing an HGH Oral Spray look for key ingredients; Amino Acids, GABA, Deer antler velvet, Chromium and Colostrum. Take particular note of the quantity of each ingredient to ensure its effectiveness and absorption. My advice is to do a lot of research because the market is saturated with products and it a challenge to decipher whether products are hyped up or actually work. Read reviews, watch videos and research the ingredients and absorption rates that actually go into the body’s cells.

#HGH works to accelerate the body to increase muscle, skin laxity, energy and so much. If you find the method that works for you, it is possible that HGH can assist you to have a healthier body. However, do your research, it’s a huge market, and it will take a bit of time to find the ideal product or the method for you.

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